Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Turned Up

Today I had my VNS device turned up. It is now set at .75 mAmps. The initial goal is to have it set between 1.0 and 1.25. I go back to the doc in two weeks.

My sleep is still good -- much improved prior to the VNS device. I stopped taking Seroquel two weeks ago without negative side effect. I have decreased my Celexa and Wellbutrin to half (once per day instead of twice) and I feel okay.

The newest level of stimulation is ever-so-slightly-annoyingly-painful. In addition to feeling like I have a lump in my throat I also feel a slight poke. It only lasts for 30 seconds but still it's annoying.

1 comment:

MamaMichelsBabies said...

Soon enough it will be something you don't even notice. I would imagine that's one of the reasons why they bring it up slow, to give you a chance to become used to the sensation. And when it gets to be a real pain in the ass, imagine when it's full force and you won't be taking either so many or any outside meds at all for this. Doesn't it become worth it at that point? *hugs* I'm glad to have made it back to see that your doing well.