Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Other Shoe?

When Henry and I began the journey of Hunter more than 10 years ago ~ yes, it's really been THAT long ~ we could only pray and hope (and throw salt over our shoulder) that the actions of his frustrated rage would never involve the authorities. Unfortunately, in the past month, it has. Not once ~ but twice.

The first incident involved a glass chalkboard in his classroom and Hunter sliding a desk into it; shattering it to pieces. The second incident involved him assaulting his teacher. Charges have been filed, police reports have been written and filed and now we are at the mercy of the prosecutor and what he decides to do. The thought of Hunter, at twelve years of age, going in front of a judge on these charges, puts a huge lump in my gut that I haven't been able to shake since this all began.

Do I disagree with the charges? No, I don't. Do I think the police should have been involved? No, I don't. What do I hope comes out of all this? I have absolutely NO idea. See, I've never been down this road with Hunter before. It's foreign territory and it seems to put him in the role of an adult facing charges instead of a pre-teenager.

It hasn't registered with Hunter (and probably never will) the amount of trouble he's in. The disconnect in his brain doesn't allow him to bridge that gap.

Asperger's/Bipolar is not an excuse for his behavior and I agree there should be consequences for his actions. I'm just not so sure doing it in a legal arena is the right place to be.


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