Saturday, April 21, 2018


In the night you come to me
I cannot catch my breath
Tears well up and fill my eyes
They are all that I have left.

All that I have left of you
I can hold within my hands
If only I could talk to you
And say I understand.

I understand how memories
You thought were tucked away
Come flooding back to you again
In fear you ran away.

In fear you ran away from me
To a place you thought you knew
You thought you would find comfort there
Instead you lost you too.

You lost yourself to people
Thinking they were on your side
Instead they pulled you under
Now who would be your guide?

Your guide has been here waiting
For you to come back to
You had to learn the hard way
You did what you could do.

You did what you could do
For years and miles away
Now it's time to turn around
I know you know the way.

You know the way back to the place
You knew that you were loved
The place where you could love someone
Underneath the stars above.

The sun still rises in the sky
The blood red moon will too
But can the shooting stars above
Bring me back to you?

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