Tuesday, April 17, 2007


When I started this blog it was to chart my progress through VNS therapy for treatment resistant depression and how it affects every aspect of my life. Sadly, I've strayed. I have a lot of things to talk about, it's just that everything is jumbled in my brain and I am not giving myself the opportunity or the time to disseminate it onto the 'net.

I have to admit that turning 40 is really starting to freak me out. Not in a bad way -- more like "so soon?" I'm not disappointed at where I am in my life because, quite honestly, there were many moments I didn't think I would survive and there were a few instances when I really didn't want to.

Career-wise I am not where I dreamt I would be (medicine), but I love what I do (accounting). Mom-wise I thought I would have a daughter but I've been blessed with four sons (and a stepson). Relationship-wise I have everything I never dreamed of.

So why do I have this nagging, soul-nibbling, brain-buzzing feeling that something is missing?

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