Saturday, March 10, 2018


You knew me when
I had reached then end
And could not stand at all

Your dreams were haunted
While others taunted
You finally hit the wall.

You knew me when
My heart was spent
Thoughts were just a scrawl

Your eyes were closed
And so it goes
You seemed to stand so tall.

You knew me when
I could not bend
Too fearful of the fall

You had come undone
You could not run
Your walk became a crawl.

You knew me when
Alone I'd been
Shoved up against the wall

You reached for me
Wanting to believe
This place you did belong.

You knew me when
Tears on my chin
And covered with a pall

Your lips were warm
Your heart was torn
You sang to me a song.

You knew me when
Lost in a spin
I was just a ragged doll

You said stay with me
Don't ever leave
We'll weather any squall.

I knew you when
Fearless deep within
How could we be so wrong

A storm blew in
We could not win
We were human after all.

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